Results area shows files from a removed indexed location (mapped network drive) [Windows | Mac]

November 03, 2017

This will happen when an index created has references to a mapped network drive that is no longer in the same network as the laptop (e.g. creating an index at home and then taking your computer to a different network at the office). The index will continue to make references to folders and files in the mapped network drive. As a result, when removing the network drive from the indexed locations, Pinker will not actually remove the mapped network drive from the index (although it removed it from the indexed locations).
The current way to deal with this situation is before taking the laptop to a different network remove any mapped network drive and re-index your indexed locations following these steps:
  • Go to Settings and de-select the location of the mapped network drive
  • Update index
  • Verify that the results area does not show folders or files from the mapped network drive by browsing through filters

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